Nature Thoughts

I shall pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”

October 19, 2013

Preserving and Bridging Culture and Arts Abroad


People migrate to look for a better quality of life. Others go abroad to seek employment or explore our wonderful world. Whatever reasons as to why people migrate, most will carry with them their own culture and traditions.    

The people of the Cordilleras with its rich culture and tradition are among those who loves to perform their cultural practices and traditions anywhere. As one organized community elsewhere like in the United States of America, Canada or Europe, the Cordillerans love to practice their traditional dances such as the Tayao, Grand march dance, Ballroom dancing, Folk singing, Chants or Badiw and other indigenous practices.

These cultural practices serves as a family bonding and clan reunions of the Cordillera people. 

The instruments used during such occasions like the gongs gives sound to convey unity, cohesion and solidarity towards the attainment of a singular and unified vision. It also symbolizes the highland culture of the Cordillerans being optimistic in their outlook. The songs, chants, dances, rituals, values, indigenous knowledge and technologies are the intangible heritage passed by their ancestors from generation to generation. 

Most of the cultural practice  are presented during community programs such as the BIBAK, Grand Canao and other programs organized by active Cordillerans.    

It is also celebrated during the following occasions;

  • On Grand Canao

  • On International Culture and Arts Presentations

  • On Wedding Rites and Anniversaries
Making the rounds of Tayao during a wedding rite at Rohr Park, Chola Vista City, Ca.   

Courtship Dance

  • On Reunions

In other countries like in Canada or Europe where these people live or work overseas, they organize their own association to promote and present their culture and traditions.

In Manitoba, Canada, the proud Cordillerans practice and showcase their own cultural activities. 

The next gen are very much interested to learn and participate in the culture and arts presentation around the globe.

In preserving these cultural practice, it is suggested that;
  • The documentation of tangible and intangible heritage should be copyrighted as the Igorots intellectual property before they are pirated by other artists or authors.
  • There should be continuing advocacy and promotion of the Igorot culture through conferences, symposia and other forms.
  • There should be an aggressive continuing education among the youths on the dances, chants, indigenous technologies for them to understand their culture.

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