Nature Thoughts

I shall pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”

August 24, 2012

Eco Living or Green Living

ECO LIVING OR GREEN LIVING, an environment friendly lifestyle

God is all around

Perhaps most of the people living on planet earth benefited from its rich natural resources and the modern comforts derived from the development of information and technology.
But then we came to the time where commercialism embraced our lifestyle and became dependent on technology.
As to the food we ate, most are processed, refined then packaged making it a junk food. Its preparation was intended for profit and the nutritional values were sidelined. 
And as man’s needs increased, more natural resources were extracted and human activity increased thereby threatening our environment from its natural cycle process.
As of now, we are already experiencing the horrifying effects of ecological imbalances or severe extreme weather events like tropical storms, hurricanes, floods, heat waves, drought, or global warming.
However, we are not totally on a dead end spot. It is in our own making of how our planet earth will continue to exist. And of course there are many ways to help mother earth thrive. 

A starting point is to go on eco living or an environmental friendly lifestyle. Eco living or call it green living is a self sustainable and environment friendly lifestyle. It is an active and conscious lifestyle choice where the individual is able to sustain life with all the basic needs while nurturing nature and working with others to sustain an ecological balance in the community.  It is like tracking back the traditional practice of living wherein the biological aspects are considered thereby preserving the environment and harvest its benefits. The natural and practical way of living is adopted thereby the use of commercial and toxic products is minimized if not bypassed.
These are simple and inexpensive practices or others say it as a simple living but healthy lifestyle. These practices could be one solution to the dilemmas we are actually facing like the problems on pollution, depletion of our natural resources, hunger and even poverty. 
A natural living that considers biological aspects as an equal in importance to the natural chemical processes of food production. Natural living involves efforts to stimulate the natural environments to stabilize and sustain it. 

To enter with eco living, the popular 3 R’s used by environmentalist which are Reduce, Reuse and Recycle are involved. Another vital mantra could be added and used is Convert, such as to convert waste to energy or waste to fertilizers. 
Ideas for these propositions are numerous such as reducing garbage, saving energy and reducing land degradation and many other suggestions.
For individuals or at home;
§  Recycling of products is convenient where wastes are minimized.
§  Purchasing and using energy efficient appliances for home.
§  Using homemade non-polluting cleaning supplies reduce the amount of staff to buy,
§  Growing your own backyard vegetable and herb garden,
§  Support the use of available alternative energy and many more.
With the use of this method, of course our budget is reduced.

In the community, there are many environmental projects one individual could do and join.
§  Volunteer in the clean and green project such as recycling and composting of wastes.
§  Tree planting activity and adopting a tree until it matures.
§  Following the rules for fishing and hunting or the environmental laws of the community. Small actions, when taken by a large group, can yield great change.
Some argue that this system is not a practicable idea especially those whose sources of livelihood on the mainstream industries like the production of processed food, fuel, transport, and big business, all of which have massive carbon footprints.
Living without most of the modern comforts and conveniences is just unimaginable for many people.  

But eco living can be one of the ways by which mankind can ensure survival in the future and help slowdown environmental destruction. Eco living is an integration of the knowledge gained through advances in technology with more traditional practices that respect the environment- the source of all living things. 

We must continue to work together in reducing overall consumption to protect the environment on which modern economies and lives depend. The task presented to consumers is this: first and foremost reduce your consumption, then buy “green,” but only buy as much as you need to live.
Environmentally friendly living not only helps the planet (giving a lighter ecological footprint) but also provide you healthy, simple and more economical lifestyle. Just a few small changes in your day to day life will be helpful in addressing some of the global issues such as global warming and also local issues such as solid waste disposal, energy crisis, land degradation and water scarcity.

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